Algorand Week in Review: 11.30.2022

Andrew W
6 min readNov 30, 2022


Decipher, High Forge NFT Launchpad Drop, ICYMI, and The Weekly Charts

Decipher 2022

Before we get into the NFT juice this week, a quick word on Decipher 2022.

Algorand’s largest annual conference, Decipher 2022 was held in Dubai this week. Founders, cryptographers, investors, and NFT creators all converged to discuss Algorand and the industry at large.

According to Rachel Wolfson of Coin Telegraph, it was a pretty decent turnout.

Rachel Wolfson of CoinTelegraph on Twitter

Stay tuned for some Decipher recaps in the upcoming days.

The High Forge NFT Launchpad sees its first major collection

High Forge, Algorand’s newest mint-on-demand NFT platform saw it’s first major generative collection launch.

Gangster Gorillaz, a multi-chain NFT project, released Wednesday on High Forge. With VeChain as its genesis collection, Gangster Gorillaz seeks to not only inhabit Algorand, but 4 other chains (networks) as well.

As of this writing, 3,690 of the 5,000 piece collection were available.

I wrote a bit about High Forge here.

This Week’s Headlines

Raffle Bees — Utility Token Market
It’s grown beyond raffles and auctions? *GASP*

Al Goanna — Dequency, & Milky Chance
Art+Animation+Music+NFT Bundles syncing in a beautiful way.

Akita — Staking Platform and OmniGems
After a year of team restructuring, Akita is bringing a new staking platform to Algorand this week.

Note: This article was powered by Windmills, a new photography collection by the author of this article. If you’d like to help support this and future articles, consider taking a look! Purchases help keep Andrew writing! /shill

Top Collections — By Total $ALGO Volume

Since last Wednesday:

MIA by Gekofam took #7
Ible City from Vendible moves into the top #20 for the first time

Top Collections by Total $ALGO Volume — source:

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Top Collections — By Total $USD Volume

No changes week over week.

Andrew, why does the $USD chart look different than the $ALGO chart?

$USD values are logged at the time of the transaction. Since the value of $ALGO in terms of $USD fluctuates, you’ll see that reflected in these charts.


M.N.G.O by Stitch was originally minted — created and sold in October 2021 when $ALGO was worth nearly $2 USD.

Mutants vs. Zombies by Al Goanna, conversely, was minted September 2022 when $ALGO was around $0.31.

In terms of $ALGO, Mutants vs. Zombies is #2, as seen in the previous chart.

In terms of $USD as in the below chart, it is #4 (and growing!)

Top Collections by Total $USD Volume — source:

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Top Creators — By Total $ALGO Volume

Vendible (propelled by Ible City) takes #16

Vendible is creating “simple solutions that remove complexity to make DeFi accessible for everyone.” Vendible recently announced a partnership with Algorand wallet Pera via LinkedIn.

Top Creators by Total $ALGO Volume — source:

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Top Creators — By Total $USD Volume

This chart combines all projects under a single creator name.

Al Goanna = Al Goanna, Mutants Vs. Zombies, Al Goanna Eggs, Al Goanna Mutants, Al Goanna Stories, Al Goanna Zombies, World Cup Goanna

Stitch = Yieldlings, M.N.G.O, Mostly Frens, and Dream Quests

Top Creators by Total $USD Volume— source:

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Top Collections — by Total Number of Sales

Alchemon remains the highest volume in terms of total number of sales. This has been consistent for nearly a year as their turn-based digital card game maintains a low barrier to entry.

Only 3 cards are required to play. As of this writing, (3) common cards can be purchased on secondary markets for a total of $2 USD.

Alchemon recently released Version 1 of their game. I wrote about it here.

Pixel Squirrels holds the #2 spot. It was the first generative collection on Algorand to sell out a 10,000 collection.

It was also the first collection to make use of digital collectible (nft) marketplace ALGOxNFT’s “degen” button. Collectors were able to purchase 8 Pixel Squirrels in a single transaction.

Flemish Clones ties Encrypted Punks in the 8–9 spot
Bad Bunny Society Takes #11
MIA moves into #14

Top Collections by Total Number of Sales — source:

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Top Collections — by 7-Day Number of Items Sold

November 23rd-November 30th

ButtHeads by Buttcoin slides in at #1 in the last week after their first public shuffle on November 24th.

Yes mom, I’m writing about butts.

No mom, it’s not the first butt-themed NFT project on Algorand (Link NSFW)

Top Collections by 7-Day Number of Items Sold — source:

After a big week from World Cup Goanna, Shitty Kitties Third Litter, Football TigerChi and Squirreld Cup 2022, we’re settling into mostly sales on the secondary.

ButtHeads from ButtCoin — Yes mom, I’m writing about butts… takes over for 7-Day Number of Items sold.

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Trending Collections — Over 100,000 $ALGO Total Volume

Biggest Movers by rolling 24-Hr sales volume increase since yesterday.

  1. World Cup Goanna is up 1,544% (114A yesterday)
  2. Totally Average Cats up 1,519% (149A yesterday)
  3. MIA volume is up 580% (2,343A yesterday)
  4. Crazy Goose Flock volume is up 583% (1,298A yesterday)
  5. State Pooofs up 475% (85A Yesterday)
Trending Collections-Over 100kA Total Volume — source:

Flemish Giants, StupidHorse, Cosmic Champs and LingLings also joined the board with 1–2 sales each.

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Trending Collections — Between 25,000-100,000 $ALGO Total Volume

In the last 24-Hours

  1. Buzzy Bees by Buzzy Bees
  2. Mad Bears by Mad Bears
  3. METACORVUS by CorvusNFT
  4. Tako by Tako
  5. Shitty Kitties Third Litter by Minner
Trending Collections-Between 25kA and 100kA Total Volume — source:

Why is Buzzy Bees trending?

Yesterday, Buzzy Bees released an update to their Utility Token platform Raffle Bees. In addition to raffles and auctions, Raffle Bees now supports a Utility Token Market.

Users can effectively create limit orders for other Utility Tokens at a set exchange rate. Utility Tokens on Algorand more closely resemble traditional Business Loyalty Rewards point structures and have no direct cash value.

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Trending Collections — Under 25,000 $ALGO Total Volume

In the Last 24-Hours

  1. The Classic by Members Only
  2. Altered Pixels by Maureen Denny
  3. Dream Quests by Stitch — I wrote about Dream Quests here.
  4. Writers vs. Street Artists by Blackbook
  5. Squirreld Cup 2022 by AlgoSquirrel
Trending Collections-Under 25kA Total Volume — source:

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That’s it for this week! It’s been a great November.


Andrew on Medium: Andrew W
Andrew on Twitter: @andrewwindmills

These are reader supported articles.

This article was powered by Windmills — a new photo series by Andrew Williams. Purchases directly support the author of these articles.

We are not taking donations, advertisers, or other forms of payment at this time.

Disclaimers and Disclosures

This article is for informational purposes only.

No compensation was taken in exchange for inclusions in this post, including but not limited to allow list spots, tokens, currency in any form, etc.

As an active participant in the Algorand ecosystem, I own several projects mentioned in this article.

My opinions are my own.

NFTs, digital collectibles, and digital currencies are all extremely volatile assets.

There is a chance assets will lose some or all of their monetary value.

Nothing in this article constitutes legal, tax, or investment advice. Nothing in this article is a replacement for one’s own proper due diligence.

We do not take any responsibility for any action or inaction resulting from the information in this article.

Use of any website, link, application, etc. is at a user’s own risk.



Andrew W
Andrew W

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