Bork Borks — Astro Explorer

Andrew W
6 min readDec 1, 2022

HTML5 Gaming, I’d like you to meet some Space Doggos.

Bork Borks is on the final stretch of the shuffle they launched in August

…and their fanbase is reacting.

AlgoFotos released a small ditty this week as an ode to Bork Borks.

“What’s a Bork Bork Andrew?” — You ask from under your rock.

Bork Borks #1

This is a Bork Bork.

And according to their NFTExplorer description, they’re “just tryin’ to make it in this crazy world.”

Bork Borks is a profile picture collection by Algorand veterans H&Y — Hurley & Yomo that combines retro-style gaming with digital collectibles (nfts). Kraken helped.

Astro Explorer, their galaga-style game, is accessible by owning one or more Bork Borks. The more Bork Borks, the more “lives” available. The more lives, the greater chance of earning Aether, the raffle ticket of the Bork Bork ecosystem.

The premise is simple. Once on site and logged-in Astro Explorer it:

Checks the user’s digital wallet for Bork Bork NFTs.

  1. Yes Bork Bork NFT? You can play!
  2. No Bork Bork NFT? No play for you.

In my case, I own one Bork Bork NFT, so I had three lives… three chances to earn some Aether.

“Cool. So what’s the game look like?” — You ask impatiently

Read on.

Astro Explorer

A ship. Three Lives. And a buncha random junk trying to kill you.

That’s it. That’s the tweet.

Really though, that truly is the gist of it. Dodge the barrage of green missiles, wipe out the fleet, and earn Aether.

Wipe out the computer fleet. Earn Aether.

If you fail to do so, and all your lives are extended? You’ll have to sit through a 4-Hour cooldown…

It’s only been an hour and a half?

…and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemies.

To reiterate from earlier. The more Bork Borks a user owns, the more times they can play. It’s a form of stackable utility in the vein of the STUPIDHORSE series.

Ok, so you’ve won a few games of Astro Explorer and have procured some highly coveted Aether tokens. What can you actually do with them?

Gamified Raffles

Here’s a couple ideas.

  1. Gaze longingly at them in your wallet (boring)
  2. Use them for H&Y Raffles (super sick bro!)
Images courtesy of

H&Y has their own raffle platform. There are many raffle platforms like them, but this one is theirs. Users can select from a number of different prizes and spent some Aether in hopes they’ll be able to win.

As of this writing there is still a World Cup Goanna, Flemish Clone, and a LILknit, among others ripe for the pickin’.

3. Not-So-Secret Option: Raffle Bees

Aether is a supported utility token on Raffle Bees, a Utility Token Market put together by Buzzy Bees & Algohaven. I wrote about Raffle Bees earlier this week.

“I heard something about Bork Borks and Mostly Frens… what’s that about?” — someone on Twitter, maybe.

In October, Mostly Frens creator Stitch released his own rewards system, Dream Quests. Initially available only to holders in his ecosystem, Dream Quests have since broadened to Duo and Collaborative missions — reward objectives that can only be satisfied by holding NFTs from different collections.

Bing Bong Bork is an example of one of the Duo missions. To participate, NFT collectors are required to hold at least one Bork Bork and any Yieldling, M.N.G.O or Mostly Frens NFT.

Big Bong Bork — A collaborative mission for holders of Bork Borks and Mostly Frens

Each mission has additional components. Mission rewards — A chance at special prizes, Lore — flavor text that makes things more fun. Generally also gives more information on any additional restrictions/qualifiers to participate.

Generally speaking, mission rewards come in generous and not so generous quantities of $SHRIMP, the token that powers Mostly Frens.

The Lore: “Bork Borks bork repeatedly to get the Mostly Frens to leave the basement and ‘touch grass’. When they do, they abduct them in order to experiment on their dreams and learn more about the mysterious beings. Please no probes!” — Courtesy of the Mostly Frens website.

Dream Quests are generally limited in duration with no guarantee of returning. But it’s good to know it’s there.

Note: A previous version of this article omitted this section. Andrew apologizes for this egregious lack of detail.


Bork Borks are the first of the H&Y collections to move to a full HTML5 game while making direct use of the Algorand network. It seemlessly dovetails classic arcade style gaming with newer technology.

Their gamified raffle system is relatively novel on Algorand. H&Y is making it abundantly clear that there is no free lunch. You want prizes? You need to fight for them!

Own a Bork Bork. Go to space. Maybe win some NFTs. Maybe send one on a Dream Quest (temporarily).

Simple and intuitive. It’s how we like it.

Now sing us away algofotos!

Bork Me Bork Please — Lyrics

all the little borks that we had have departed
some got lost like they never even started
i can’t really see if i lost or if i won
gotta get these tickets in before the setting sun

bork me bork please (x4)

algofotos featuring Roscoe P
Hawse Records 2022


Bork Borks on Twitter: @HnY_NFTs

Andrew on Medium: Andrew W
Andrew on Twitter: @andrewwindmills

These are reader supported articles.

This article was powered by Windmills — a new photo series by Andrew Williams. Purchases directly support the author of these articles.

We are not taking donations, advertisers, or other forms of payment at this time.

Confused about the term shuffle? On Algorand, creators often pre-mint — create their digital collectibles and nfts ahead of their launch date. Collectors can then shuffle — purchase a random NFT from the collection. The term was popularized on Algorand by Kraken, founder and former owner of Rand Gallery. He makes neat games too.

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Disclaimers and Disclosures

This article is for informational purposes only.

No compensation was taken in exchange for inclusions in this post, including but not limited to allow list spots, tokens, currency in any form, etc.

As an active participant in the Algorand ecosystem, I own several projects mentioned in this article.

My opinions are my own.

NFTs, digital collectibles, and digital currencies are all extremely volatile assets.

There is a chance assets will lose some or all of their monetary value.

Nothing in this article constitutes legal, tax, or investment advice. Nothing in this article is a replacement for one’s own proper due diligence.

We do not take any responsibility for any action or inaction resulting from the information in this article.

Use of any website, link, application, etc. is at a user’s own risk.

